Date Created | Title | All Thesaurus Terms | Expanded Number | |
22-Feb-1982 | UNICEF's Development Education Policy, by Jeanne Vickers, UNICEF, Geneva | Peace education; UNICEF policy; Education for development; Programme support communications | 4pp. The paper traces the origin and growth of UNICEF's concern with development education activities, and discusses current trends.How can development education be applied in the South? UNICEF must also work with national change agents in the North to assure its programmes of adequate governmental and public support. This task is huge and urgent. We livle in a world of economic crisis, a world groaning under the threat of excessive armaments, a world of North-South gap as well as East-West gap. The paper defines "education for international understanding and peace" as bridging the need for literacy in the South and awareness raising/participation in development decisions and action in the North. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000319 |
01-Mar-1982 | Thoughts on Models of Communications. Paper by Kabwe Kasoma presented at the Sub-regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Communications for Basic Services, UNICEF's workshop in Mbabane, Swaziland, 14 March - 2 April 1982 | Training; Communication for social change; Development support communication; Communication for social development | Paper presented at the Swaziland workshop by Kabwe Kasoma, Project Coordinator, Playwright, Dean of Students, Univ of Zambia in Lusaka. The paper discusses various models of communication in contemporary literature, but cautions trainers and extension workers that they must not take these models literally, and takes one example to demonstrate that " ... the mathematical formula suggested ... does not correctly predict the human element ..." Cautions communicators that radio reception may be intermittent in hilly regions. Also discusses two-way communications; the interaction model; mime theatre; when does communication takes place? The author makes reference to his play "Distortion" (see CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000204) enacted at the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000231 |
01-Mar-1982 | A Session on Evaluation. Paper by RI Moletsane presented at the Sub-regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Communications for Basic Services, UNICEF's workshop in Mbabane, Swaziland, 14 March - 2 April 1982 | Evaluation; Evaluation studies; Training; Communication for social change | Workshop paper by Ramoshebi I Moletsane, Prof of education, National University of Lesotho. Basic lecture directed at trainees to draw their attention to purposes of project evaluation, phrases used, and factors to consider in the evaluation process (focus of evaluation, data collection, organisation of material, analysis, report of results, follow-up). |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000232 |
01-Mar-1982 | An Overview of Communication Strategies in Community Development Practices. Paper by Kgomotso Mogome for UNICEF's Workshop on Training of Trainers in Communications for Basic Services, Mbabane, Swaziland, 14 March - 2 April 1982 | Community development; Botswana; Communication for social change; Communication strategy | Paper, 33 pp, presented at the workshop by Kgomotso Mogome, Lecturer in Adult Education, University of Botswana. The paper sees community development in a historical perspective. The Introduction talks about the growing evidence that the conventional development strategies were not working; "Policies were to be decided upon by university-trained technocrats and carried out by new rationally organized bureaucracies manned by Western-groomed elites" . The paper then discusses the roots of the current concept of community development to colonial practices, British as well as American and French, and traces the development and application of the concept through the 1950's and 1960s. A case study on Botswana illustrates. A concluding section clarifies the main principles underlying the organization of community development staff at district level, and cautions against the "misleading 'felt-need' concept in communication strategy". |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000234 |
01-Mar-1982 | UNDP Water Decade/NGO information and communications support project in South Asia. Mission report by Chris Srinivasan, March-April 1982 |
International Drinking Water Supply and Santiation Decade; NGO; Community participation; Programme support communications; Communication for social change | 20 pp. Consultancy report done by CDS (Communications Development Service), Takoma Park, MD and Ardsley, New York. The projects reviewed were in India and Sri Lanka. The report shows the increasing importance given in development assistance to NGO involvement, community participation, and communications strategies. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000254 |
01-Mar-1982 | A New Philosophy of Development of Communities, and Communication Concepts. 2 papers by Prof Daudi N. Nturibi for Workshop on Training of Trainers for Communications for Basic Services, UNICEF's workshop in Mbabane, Swaziland, 14 March - 2 April 1982 | Participatory development; Programme support communications; Communication for social change | Two papers presented at the Mbabane workshop by Daudi N. Nturibi, Institute of Adult Studies, University of Nairobi: "A New Philosophy of Development of Communities" and "Communication Concepts". The paper summarizes the flaws of conventional "top-down" piecemeal approach to delivering rural services, and the search for a more integrated and more community based strategy. Rural development will require major structural changes, both economic and political; it requires a realistic appreciation of socio-economic and political structures, institutions, attitudes and patterns of human relationships of each village .... "The most difficult task is to gain the trust and acceptance [of recipients of aid]". The includes a schedule outlining the role, orientation and training of community development workers for participatory development Also a shorter paper on "Communication Concepts" outlining and discussing different models from contemporary literature. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000233 |
01-Apr-1982 | Educational Campaigns and Communication Means. Report by Boubacar Sock on UNICEF's Sub-regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Communications for Basic Services. Mbabane, Swaziland, 14 March - 2 April 1982 | Educational guidance; Communication for social change; Development support communication | Paper (possibly presented at the Swaziland workshop) by Boubacar Sock, Regional Adviser in Social Communication, UNICEF EARO, Nairobi. The paper discusses various types of communication campaigns, including mass media: radio, press, posters; organized group visits, demonstrations and meetings; and household visits, circulars, face-to-face encounters. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000230 |
07-Apr-1982 | A brief report to the senior staff meeting. Report by Kabwe Kasoma on the Sub-regional Workshop on Training of Trainers for Communications for Basic Services, UNICEF's workshop in Mbabane, Swaziland, 14 March - 2 April 1982 | Training; Programme support communications | Report by Kabwe Kasoma, Project Coordinator, Nariobi, including list of participants in the workshop, and schedule of daily activities with names of invited lecturers. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000225 |
14-Apr-1982 at 9:50 AM | PSC. Zimbabwe. Report on the Village Health Worker Evaluation Project. UNICEF, Harare, Zimbabwe | Evaluation studies | 26 pp One-day evaluation workshop to assess usefulness of village health workers. Data was collected from trainers, village health workers and community members, who were to consider usefulness of trainers' training programme, teachnig aids, trainees, community, administrative support, VHWs working in the field. At the policy level, there was a need to change from a capital intensive urban based medical service to a primary health care service at village level. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000041 |
29-Apr-1982 | Communications for Basic Services Regional Training Project. Project proposal 1982 for a 3 1/2 year project in Eastern and South-Central Africa, by Kabwe Kasoma, Project Coordinator, UNICEF, Nairobi. | Basic services; Training; Programme support communications | Proposal for Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Mauritius. See pp 22-25 for a "Review of Past UNICEF Cooperation/Assistance and implication of analyses". Kabwe Kasoma, Project Coordinator, made changes to an earlier draft and finalized the project proposal. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000247 |