Conference Reports, papers related to C4D

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30-Jun-1981 Primary Health Care: A Look at its Current Meaning. Informal paper defining PHC by Susan Cole King, UNICEF NY. Primary health care; Health promotion; Community health workers; Health communication 12 pp.
The paper does not speak directly about PSC, but is interesting as general background, as PHC is one of UNICEF's main contributions. The paper recognizes that "the skills required for PHC ... go way beyond technical competence ... health workers should be able to identify the social and economic factors [causing ] ill health ... [and] communicate with community leaders and other sector professionals in search for solutions (p.8).
01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason. Abstract of his PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change This file contains Gary Gleason's complete thesis of 267 pages.
Portions were scanned in files CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000072 thru CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000077.

The work includes an abstract and table of contents, and traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason, PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change pp 1-240 of 240
The thesis traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason, PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change pp 201-240 of 240
The thesis traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason, PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change pp 151 -200 of 240
The thesis traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason, PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change pp 101-150 of 240
The thesis traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason, PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change pp 51-100 of 240
The thesis traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. Ghana. Development Support Communication and the Role of the Communication Specialist: A perspective from a project in Ghana, by Gary Richard Gleason, PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Iowa Ghana; Programme support communications; Communication for social change pp 1-50 of 240
The thesis traces Ghana's political, economic and social development during the 1970s and 1980s, and the incipient role of project communications, including efforts made at setting up printing and communications facilities.

01-Jul-1981 Evaluation of the Programme of Integrated Services for Children in the Region of Puno (Peru). By UNICEF, Lima. Evaluation studies; Education for development; Child welfare; Nutrition planning; Child health; Peru; Programme support communications 37 pp
The three-pronged programme, targeting the local population of Quecha and Aymara ethnic groups, included non-formal initial education; extension of health coverage; and an agro-food/nutrition component.

01-Jul-1981 PSC. India. India Programmes 1981-1983. PSC Plans and Activities, by RRN Tuluhungwa, July 1981 Behavioural change; India; Communication for development; Programme support communications; Communication for social change; Communication strategy 13 pp
Assesses the state of programme communications in UNICEF's programme in India and notes what needs to be done. The paper specifically addresses programme awareness, training programmes in communication, orientation of district planners, workshop for trainers (including theory and management of communication programmes, adult education, interpersonal communication,, media technology and teaching techniques). The paper lays out how these aspects should be accomplished, and what components and inputs they would require.