Date Created | Title | All Thesaurus Terms | Expanded Number | |
01-Sep-1980 | Role of Advocacy in Brazil, by Jacob Matthai, UNICEF, Brasilia, speech delivered at the Americas Regional Staff Meeting, 22-26 September 1980, Santiago | UNICEF policy; Basic services; Primary health care; Advocacy; Brazil; Programme support communications; Communication for social change | 11 pp The author believes that advocacy is at the core of UNICEF's role in development assistance, coupled with a catalytic role in channeling funds to programmes that benefit children, not limited to those programmes implemented by the agency itself. The paper mentions UNICEF's successful advocacy ventures in Brazil, e.g. for the International Year of the Child (1979) and promotion of breastfeeding. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000265 |
01-Sep-1980 | PSC Programming in Turkey. Situation analysis prepared by Maurice Bryan, UNICEF, Lusaka, and Hoda Hallab, UNICEF, Beirut | Biogas; Basic education; Agricultural extension; Nutrition planning; Primary health care; Turkey; Programme support communications; Communication for social development | 67 pp The report covers situation analysis in Turkey, state of PSC, primary health care, life-oriented basic education, biogas, food and nutrition plannnig, and agricultural extension. Appendices cover PSC Workshop Directorate of Food Affairs; Supplies of Food and Nutrition Planning Communications Unit; time table of meetings; visits and meetings. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000018 |
22-Sep-1980 | PSC. Chile. Public Information: A means of support to UNICEF's strategies and mechanisms of action in the 1980's, by Francisco J. Pelucio Silva, Regional Information Officer, UNICEF, Santiago. Paper for Americas Regional Staff mtg, 22-26 Sept 1980. | Chile; Programme support communications; Communication for social change; Communication strategy | 22. Interesting analysis of the relationship between media and culture, and their influence on social conditions and development. The paper discusses the role of public information as an important aspect of UNICEF's work, outlines limiting factors -- such as the necessity to maintain good relations with the government; the necessity for credibility. Communication needs and methods vary greatly between countries in the region. Should messages promote UNICEF programmes, or focus on the region itself -- rather than focussing on improving UNICEF's image, they should perhaps direct attention to the situation of children. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000264 |
01-Oct-1980 | PSC. Mozambique. Social Communications for Development in Mozambique. A tentative evaluation. Report by Michele and Armand Mattelart, English (original in French), Maputo, Mozambique, October 1980 | Evaluation studies; Community participation; Mozambique; Communication for development; Programme support communications; Communication for social change | 9 pp The project had been launched in 1977 at the initiative of the Ministry of Information as a part of the Government's overall social communications policy. Since indepencence, the Government of Mozambique gave much importance to information and social communications, a fundamental goal of the country. In the emerging reality of communal villages the liberation of information was occurring. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000415 |
01-Nov-1980 | Communications (PSC) Service in UNICEF. Paper presented by RRN Tuluhungwa at the International Information Week 1980, held in Munich 17-21 November 1980. | Programme support communications | Describing UNICEF's PSC service from an historical perspective. In the late 1960's UNICEF introduced systematic communication support for development programmes benefitting children. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000240 |
13-Nov-1980 | WHO/UNICEF Planning Meeting for the Education and Communication in the Promotion of Breastfeeding. Draft report of the meeting. A. Petros-Barvazian, WHO. | Child development; Breastfeeding; Education; Communication for social change | 28 pp The report discusses the need for legislation (code of marketing) to complement earlier promotional efforts to sensitize health sector policymakers to the importance of breastfeeding. Outlines specific activities to support/promote breastfeeding. Lays out role of UN Agencies, governments, ministries and specific sectors, national institutions and civic groups; budget estimates; proposals for media workshop. Also attached: WHO document "Infant and young child feeding". Progress report by the Director-General. 6 November 1980. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000344 |
19-Feb-1981 | PSC. The Gambia. Mission Report to the Gambia, by Ute Deseniss, 19-28 February 1981 | Child health; Gambia; Programme support communications; Communication for social change | 20 pp Ute Deseniss was at the time Regional PSC Officer in Abidjan. Contains information on the condition of the country at the time, and has a section on PSC Proposals in each chapter. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000336 |
10-Mar-1981 | Note for the Record. Communications Component for PHC and Health Education in the Yemen Arab Republic. Memo from Said El-Azem, UNICEF, Beirut. | 5 pp The note recounts the mission to Sana'a 19-29 March 1981 by Said El-Azem, Regional PI/External Relations Officer, Beirut. Sana'a did not receive all relevant publications for its library; UNICEF's Sana'a Office needed to develop a PSC strategy for primary health care; the note outlines the main steps required in the implementation of PHC in Yemen. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000031 | |
01-Apr-1981 | The PSC Component in the Country Programme for Chile, 1978-1980. Paper presented at the Americas Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 22-29 April 1981 | Workshops; Training; Chile; Communication for development; Programme support communications; Communication for social change; Communication for social development | 21 pp. Paper by Jorge Mencias Chaves, Programme Officer. Deals with the implementation of PSC components into projects in the country programme for Chile 1978-1980. Case study. Of the ten courses of action presented in the Programme, only three have specifically have implemented the P.S.C. component: breast-feeding and early childhood stimulation, audiovisual support for the educational work of nursery schools or kindergartens and the rural maternal-child health programme. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000222 |
01-Apr-1981 | Assessment of Social Communication in Latin America and of Some Constraints. Paper presented at the Americas Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 22-29 April 1981 | Americas; Communication for development; Communication for social change; Communication for social development | Paper by Carlos Cordero Jimenez, 56 pages. The table of contents includes: Towards a frame of reference; the problem; what is development; social communication yesterday and today; communication as a component of development projects; communication planning (steps in communication planning, setting goals, the planners, commitment, resources, professionalism, training, typology of communicators, organization); particpation; possible areas for action ...(official area, other agencies, target audience). |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000224 |