Conference Reports, papers related to C4D

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01-Apr-1974 Radio in Project Support Communication. Paper distributed in Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns) of the International UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Radio; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC paper No 25, by John Balcomb, Chief, Communications and Information Service, UNICEF, Nairobi
Discussed during Part III of the workshop, "Media in PSC campaigns".
Contains an excerpt from Development Forum, Vol l, No 6, August -September 1973, "A Pioneer of Rural Radio" about Godfrey Baseley who created a daily radio serial about the rural community. A section on UNFPA sponsored programme for listeners in Sri Lanka.
01-Apr-1974 Theatre and Development. Background paper by Kabwe Kasoma distributed during Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Theatre; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC paper No 16 by Kabwe Kasoma, Playwright, and Dean of Students at the University of Zambia.
The paper was discussed during Part III of the workshop, "Media in PSC campaigns".
It discusses the author's experience in using plays as medium of communications in rural Zambia.
01-Apr-1974 Film and Development in Africa. Paper by Greg Lanning for Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns), of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development. University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Mass media; Films; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC paper No 18, discussed during Part III of the workshop, "Media in PSC campaigns".
Greg Lanning was at the time Assistant Project Support Communications Officer, UNICEF, Nairobi
01-Apr-1974 Integrated rural extension services in the Machakos District of Kenya. Discussion during Part IV (Examples of PSC campaigns) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development. University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Integrated services; Rural development; Kenya; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC paper No 23, by Dr. Shwaki Barghouti, of Programmes for Better Family Living, FAO, Kenya.
The paper discusses possible informal channels of communication to reach rural populations who are illiterate and do not have radio.
01-Apr-1974 Visual Perception in the Rural Areas of Eastern Africa. Slide set presented in Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Rural Areas; Slides; Eastern and Southern Africa; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC Slide Set No 1, prepared by Phil Vincent and discussed during Part III of the workshop, "Media in PSC campaigns".

The slides focus on the varying perceptions of rural people in African villages of posters trying to convey a message.
01-Apr-1974 The cost of 16mm film-making in Eastern and Southern Africa. Paper distributed in Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development. University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Costs; Mass media; Films; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC paper No 14 by Greg Lanning, Assistant PSC Officer, UNICEF, Nairobi, discussed during Part III of the workshop, "Media in PSC campaigns".

The paper was prepared in response to various requests from Swaziland, Lesotho and Kenya
01-Apr-1974 Theatre and Development. Discussion during Part III of the workshop on Media in PSC Campaigns, UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Theatre; Mass media; Communication for development; Communication for social development Summarizes the workshop's discussion of the use of theatre in communication for development. CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000192
01-Apr-1974 Radio and Project Support Communication. Notes on discussion during Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development. University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Radio; Communication for development; Communication for social development Report on the discussion of the use of radio in PSC.
01-Apr-1974 Selecting Media for Project Support Communication Campaigns. Paper distributed in Part III (Media in PSC Campaigns) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Mass media; Communication for development; Communication for social development PSC paper No 17, by Greg Lanning, Assistant PSC Officer, UNICEF, Nairobi, and Dr. Shawki Barghouti, PBFL, FAO, Nairobi.
Discussed during Part III of the workshop, "Media in PSC campaigns".
01-Apr-1974 Planning PSC Campaigns. Notes on the discussion during Part II of the workshop (General considerations in project support communications), UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development. University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 Programme communication; Communication for development; Communication for social development Paper discussed during Part II of the workshop, "General considerations in project support communications." CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000186