World Summit for Children - Digital Documentation sorted by date

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7/1/1990 Early Childhood Care for Growth and Development - Reference Book: Preparatory & Reference Documentation on the World Summit for Children (1990: July); Special Session for Children [Archives: CF/NYH/SP/SUM; Folder: S0355.] Contents: Section 1: Members of the Planning Committee - Schedule of (remaining) meetings and activities; Section 2: Schedule and Programme of the World Summit for Children; Section 3: Draft Declaration of the World Summit for Children - Draft Plan of Action; Section 4: Report of Meetings: - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Meetings of the Planning Committee - Meetings of the Working Group on Format - Meetings of the Working Group on the Declaration - Statement of Agreement of the six Initiating Governments - Secretary General's letter of invitation; Section 5: UNICEF Executive Board: - Resolution of the Executive Board (Decmber 1989) - Resolution of the Executive Board (April 1990) - Revised Budget Estimates for the World Summit for Children (January 1990) - Progress report on preparations for the World Summit for Children (April 1990): Annexes: I. Suggested Themes and Topics for the World Summit for Children, II. Tentative schedule for the Planning Committee and related meetings and activities, III. Pledges and contributions received for the Summit meeting and for Summit-related mobilization activities; Addendum: Why a World Summit for Children? A UNICEF Perspective - Statement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations - UNICEF's perspective on the World Summit for Children (including Goals for Children and Develoment in the 1990s) - A World Summit for Children : I. The case for a World Summit for Children; II. Organizing a World Summit for Children - World Summit for Children: Thematic Agenda - List: Governments and government leaders who have endorsed the idea of a World Summit for Children. SP/SSC/WSC-000.02 CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2002-01040
7/1/1990 Various Doc's on the Global Agenda Beyond the Year 2000 - Reference Book: Preparatory & Reference Documentation on the World Summit for Children (1990: July); Special Session for Children [Archives: CF/NYH/SP/SUM; Folder: S0355.] Contents: Section 1: Members of the Planning Committee - Schedule of (remaining) meetings and activities; Section 2: Schedule and Programme of the World Summit for Children; Section 3: Draft Declaration of the World Summit for Children - Draft Plan of Action; Section 4: Report of Meetings: - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Meetings of the Planning Committee - Meetings of the Working Group on Format - Meetings of the Working Group on the Declaration - Statement of Agreement of the six Initiating Governments - Secretary General's letter of invitation; Section 5: UNICEF Executive Board: - Resolution of the Executive Board (Decmber 1989) - Resolution of the Executive Board (April 1990) - Revised Budget Estimates for the World Summit for Children (January 1990) - Progress report on preparations for the World Summit for Children (April 1990): Annexes: I. Suggested Themes and Topics for the World Summit for Children, II. Tentative schedule for the Planning Committee and related meetings and activities, III. Pledges and contributions received for the Summit meeting and for Summit-related mobilization activities; Addendum: Why a World Summit for Children? A UNICEF Perspective - Statement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations - UNICEF's perspective on the World Summit for Children (including Goals for Children and Develoment in the 1990s) - A World Summit for Children : I. The case for a World Summit for Children; II. Organizing a World Summit for Children - World Summit for Children: Thematic Agenda - List: Governments and government leaders who have endorsed the idea of a World Summit for Children. SP/SSC/WSC-000.01 CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2001-00794
9/30/1990 World Summit for Children (1990: 29-30 September); World Declaration on Survival, Protection, and Development of Children; See also Plan of Action for Implementing the Declaration. [A/45/625 Annex]. The challenge; The opportunity; The task; The commitment; The next steps.
Agreed to at the World Summit for Children on 30 September 1990.
1. We have gathered at the World Summit for Children to undertake a joint commitment and to make an urgent universal appeal - to give every child a better future.

A/45/625 ANNEX CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-04766
9/20/1990 Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s [A/45/625 Annex] World Summit See also: World Declaration on Survival, protection and Development of Children [A/45/625 Annex]. Specific Actions for Child Survival, Protection and Development: The Convention on the Rights of the Child; Child health; Food and nutrition; Role of women, maternal health and family planning; Role of the family; Basic education and literacy; Children in especially difficult circumstances; Protection of children during armed conflicts; Children and the environment;
Alleviation of poverty and revitalization of economic growth; Follow-up Actions and Monitoring. Action at the national level. Action at the international level. 1. This Plan of Action is intended as a guide for national Governments, international organizations, bilateral aid agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and all other sectors of society in formulating their own programmes of action for ensuring the implementation of the Declaration of the World Summit for Children.
A/45/625 ANNEX CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-04767
9/30/1990 World Summit for Children (1990: 29-30 September); World Declaration on Survival, Protection, and Development of Children and Plan of Action for Implementing the Declaration. [A/45/625].   A/45/625 CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-04769
9/30/1990 Chapter 3b: Draft Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s. Annex - Goals for Children and Development in the 1990s. (World Summit for Children) Preparatory & Reference Documentation on the World Summit for Children: this reference book contains background & preparation material for the World Summit in Five Chapters: 1-The Planning Committee; 2-Schedule & Program of the World Summit for Children; 3-draft Declaration of the World Summit for Children and draft Plan of Action; 4-Report of Meetings; 5-UNICEF Executive Board

Folder Confidential: Restricted
==============Returned by B Desmoulins = 31 Jul 2002, initially witdrawn 25-Mar-1999.
6/12/1990 Recommendations to minimize jet lag symptoms from an eastbound five to six hour time zone change. (within World Summit for Children folder)   SP/SSC/WSC CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2002-01214
2/4/1989 World Summit for Children; Memo of 4 February 1989, to James Grant, Executive Director, UNICEF, from Michael Shower, Counsellor RE: Thoughts related to a WS~|   SP/SSC/WSC-010 CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2001-00742
4/28/1989 Executive Director's Information Note on the proposal for a World Summit for Children E/ICEF/1989/CRP.24); 1989: 28 April [Archives: Folder CF-NYH-11.S. B0037 - in 1326-2. Also microfiche.]

SP/SSC/WSC-011 CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2001-00743
5/1/1989 A World Summit for Children: Discussion paper; issues related to proposed World Summit for Children; 1 May 1989 [Copy provided by Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury for archives.] reflecting a consensus of ideas and conclusions derived from discussions within UNICEF and among Governments and other allies for children SP/SSC/WSC-002 CF/RAI/NYHQ/SP/SSC/2001-00744