Date Created | Title | All Thesaurus Terms | Expanded Number | |
08-May-1974 | The Lusaka Squatter Settlement Upgrading Project. Paper prepared during Part V (Workshop Exercises) of the UNICEF/PSC Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, 29 April to 10 May 1974 | Programme communication; Squatter settlements; Zambia; Communication for development; Communication for social development | The existing project on the Lusaka squatter settlement was chosen by the organisers as a workshop exercise, being a more fruitful choice than a simulated project. Another advantage was it afforded an urban setting, while PSC had been considered and applied mostly in rural areas, with the problems of project communication support in urban areas not given much consideration so far. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000206 |
01-Jan-1975 | Education for Rural Development, Case Studies for Planners. Edited by Manzoor Ahmed, Philip H. Coombs. Prepared for the World Bank and UNICEF. © 1975 by the International Council for Educational Development. Praeger Publishers. | Development planning; Education for development; Rural development; Health education; Health promotion; Child health | 701 pp. 17 case studies based on research carried out 1971-1974 by the International Council for Educational Development (ICED), focusing on the basic learning needs of rural children and on ways of improving the environment and upbringing of vulnerable infants and young children through the education of their elders. Part I deals with basic general education; Part II with employment-related education. Contents include: Preface, list of contributors, lists of tables, figures and abbreviations. Introduction, case studies from Colombia, Cuba, Indonesia, Jamaica. Kenya, Mali, Sri Lanka and Thailand, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), Afghanistan, Colombia, and India, Korea, Nigeria, the Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand. Appendices. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000332 |
01-Apr-1975 | Communication: A tool for development. Issue 84 / 1975 / 2 of UNICEF News. UNICEF Headquarters, New York | Education for development; Social change; Folk media; Nutrition; Family Planning; Communication for development; Communication for social change; Child/youth media; Communication for social development | 32pp. Exact date not indicated. Articles by UNICEF Hq and Field staff, including : Communication for Development: From Propaganda to Dialogue AND Entertainment, by John Balcomb, Chief, Communications and Information Service, for Eastern Africa. Kid Stuff: Modules for SITE-TV in India. Villages in India can now have TV via satellite. Gopal Dutia, Assistant PSC Officer, UNICEF New Delhi The Communications Gap. Why do some development projects fail? Alastair Matheson, Dep Dir, UNICEF Div of Information The Waiting Room. Entertainment and health/nutrition msgs for mothers waiting at maternal clinic in Cairo, by Mohamed Islam, PSC Officer, UNICEF Beirut Educational TV: Catalyst for Social Change. A mass educational TV project to teach Pakistan's adults to read and write, by Ole Dich, Chief, Editorial and Publications Services, Information Div, UNICEF Posters as a tool: inexpensive, easy to produce and distribute, by Bjorn Berndtson, PSC Officer, UNICEF Communicating a Vision. The vital role of the "story-teller" by UNICEF staff writer, Anthony Hewett |
CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2007-00020 |
01-Feb-1978 | The Karuri National Reference Health Centre. Case study used in the Training programme in communications for social development, given by the University of Nairobi, Kenya | Health education; Family planning education; Case studies; Kenya; Programme support communications | A description of the working of the Health Centre, located outside Nairobi at the Kiamba Division. 23 staff service 50,000 people by motiviating and enducating the community to accept family planning. Communicating effectively is a problem for the majority of the untrained health inspectors. They do not know what approach to adopt and are not particularly inclined to simply listening to people's problems. Consequently the people don't understand the purpose or message of the health inspectors. Mass media is also not considered necessary in these less urban areas. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000219 |
06-Feb-1978 | Village technology project at Karai (Kenya). Report on a project undertaken by participants in an international training programme on communication for social development, University of Nairobi, 6 February - 7 April 1978 | Village level workers; Research and development; Kenya; Communication for development; Programme support communications; Communication for social development | The report outlines the village technology unit at Karen Village, Karai area outside Nairobi, its history and functioning; and then details the day-by-day activities of the participants in the University of Nairobi training programme; a list of participants is also included, and sample questionnaires designed to collect information from villagers. Suggests audio-visual aids to overcome local level 'resistance to change' and active participation of the local population in improved food perseravation techniques. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000220 |
01-Mar-1978 | Dandora Group Project. Introduction and papers relating to a visit to a housing project, an excercise forming part of a training programme in communications for social development, University of Nairobi | Community participation; Housing programmes; Training programmes; Communication for development; Programme support communications | The documents include an overview of the Dandora housing project; problems and recommendations for the "allottees", i.e. people who were being resettled and had been given a plot and materials for the construction of their new house. The "allottes" were not included in the intiial planning, which minimizes the effectiveness of the project. Recognition that the more the people are allowed to participate in decisions that affect them, the more likely it is that such project may succeed (b) The more cognizance is given to the fact that there are various socioeconomic and political interests involved, the nearer will the authorities come to solving the problems often confronted with such projects. (c) The more importance is given to the existence of people of various cultural backgrounds the likelier it becomes that problems could be minimized. Also included is the "Dandora Group Project summary of findings" resulting from group discussions with the management/technical community development officers. There were also plans for media production intended for the aid of future allottees being resettled, including slides, a manual, handouts. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000218 |
01-Dec-1980 | PSC. Nepal. PSC Case Study. PSC for Iodised Oil Injection Campaign. Excerpts showing communication techniques, training and evaluation. UNICEF, Kathmandu, December 1980 | Evaluation studies; Nutrition education; Health education; Nepal; Communication for development; Programme support communications; Communication for social change; Communication strategy | 6 pp The excerpted pages talk about the communications techniques used during the injection campaign in Nepalese villages. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000417 |
01-Feb-1981 | Experience in Informal Pre-school Education in the South-western Region of the Dominican Republic. Paper presented at the Americas Workshop on Communication for Social Development, held at Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 22-29 April 1981 | Evaluation studies; Community participation; Early childhood education; Workshops; Dominican Republic; Communication for development; Communication for social development | Paper submitted by the UNICEF Office in the Dominican Republic, discussing the informal pre-school education project in the Dominican Republic. Topics discussed include: Arousing governmental interest; organizing and motivating project communities;community participation; inter-sectoral coordination; educational activities for parents; machienry for supervision and evaluation; results obtained; prospects and problems. 13 pages in all. | CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2007-000226 |
24-Sep-1982 at 9:50 AM | PSC-Zimbabwe. Memo from Obediah Mazombwe, UNICEF, Harare, to Donald Allan, Chief, CIS EARO, Nairobi, with attachments | 11 pp Memo describing PSC activities in Zimbabwe, attaching: PSC Budget estimates for 1982/1983; Report on a field trip to Nyanda (Zimbabwe) 4-6 August 1982; report on villagers constructing a primary school at Makunika. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000044 | |
26-Jul-1983 | Programme Support Communications. Nigeria. Article by Maggie Black on Imo State Water Project, 1983, for UNICEF News | Water supply projects; Sanitation projects; Child health; Cholera; Diarrhoeal diseases; Nigeria | 30 pp The article describes the local scene in Okpozi, Ohaozara, Imo State, where UNICEF had installed a well, saving the inhabitants from cholera, Guinea worm, diarrhoea, and other waterborne diseases that had been infesting the watershort area. Local people's reactions and comments are included. The article was prepared for UNICEF News. A letter from the author defending the article's position is also included. |
CF-RAI-USAA-PD-GEN-2008-000002 |