CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2007-00005-For Posting Use: Link to early UNICEF Records and Documents related to Zaire, Democratic Republic of the Congo already in pdf Format

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External ID Title Date Created Expanded Number
CF-DRC-1953-AGREE-BELGIUM UN Version, in official 'United Nations Treaty Agreements' Agreement between the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund and the Belgian Government - Belgium Basic Agreement - June 17, 1953. Includes references. SEE NOTES 17-Jun-1953 CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/2003-00195
E/ICEF/1954/L.0549 (PDF) Belgian Congo & Rwanda Burundi - Feeding 12 February 1954 12-Feb-1954 CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-01609
E/ICEF/1961/404 (PDF-ENG) Mail Poll Allocations to Pakistan, Congo (capital: Leopoldville), United Arab Republic (Egypt) - Report 04-Jan-1961 CF-RAD-USAA-DB01-2000-08967
CF/HST/INT/PAN-002/M-PDF Interview Helenka Pantaleoni by Richard Polsky: Edith Sampson Social and Humanitarian Committee H Labouisse M Pate Congo Funding R Thrun H Cleveland C Anderson US Government B Morse Citizen's Committee R. Heyward USSR Powdered Milk 12-Apr-1977 CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-00131PDF
CF-DRC-1980-1999-IMMUN Congo, Democratic Republic of the (ZAI) WCARO WHO UNICEF Immunization Coverage Estimates Final Report 1980-1999, Review 2001 01-Jan-1980 CF-RAI-USAA-DPP-SI-2004-000696
CF-DRC-1980-2001-IMMUN Congo, Republic of (CBR) WCARO WHO UNICEF Immunization Coverage Estimates Final Report 1980-2001, Review 2002 01-Jan-1980 CF-RAI-USAA-DPP-SI-2004-000780
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0033 ; CF/HST/INT/ECK-001/M Interview Ralph Eckert by John Charnow: Pre-UNICEF; Early impressions; Relations w/ WHO: Sachs, Borcic, Keeny, Egger; Supplies; Decentralization 07-Feb-1984 CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0033
CF-DRC-1985-ANAL-SAN-01 Analyse de la Situation Sanitaire des Enfants et des Meres en Republique Populaire du Congo. 1985 (Part 1 of 2) for electronic scan. Page 1 to 49 (of 102 pages) 01-Jan-1985 CF-RAI-USAA-DPP-LIB-2007-00264
CF-DRC-1985-ANAL-SAN-02 Analyse de la Situation Sanitaire des Enfants et des Meres en Republique Populaire du Congo. 1985 (Part 2 of 2) for electronic scan. Page 50 - to 102 (of 102 pages) 01-Jan-1985 CF-RAI-USAA-DPP-LIB-2007-00547
CF/NYH/SEB/HST/1996-0106 ; CF/HST/INT/GOM-001/M Interview Isaac Gomez by Michele Iskander: Background; Hans Ernestrale; UNDP; Congo; health; ruralization; Central and West Africa; French Urnian 24-Jul-1985 CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1996-0106