Documents regarding UNICEF and Mediterranean Region 1948 - 1960

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Date Created Title Expanded Number
3/13/1957 Yugoslavia - BCG CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-02706
8/2/1957 Yugoslavia - MCW (Premature Infants) CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-02840
8/8/1957 Yugoslavia - Trachoma CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-02851
7/30/1957 Spain - Trachoma CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-02856
10/18/2005 at 12:16 PM Item linking pdf documents concerning UNICEF efforts in the Mediterranean region 1948 - 1960. CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2005-00249 CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2005-00249