Special Exhibits from UNICEF Archives
Gift of Artists

One Cofrin
Curator of Asian Art at the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art at the
University of Florida recently approached us concerning the Indian
artist Jamini Roy, who, in 1956, had designed two greeting cards for
UNICEF sales. The curator was requesting publication quality color
images for a scholarly article about the artist.
Repeated and inventive searches in our archives database sadly
yielded no information. More likely the cards exist in one of the
dozens of GCO related boxes, but could not be identified in the
cryptically defined boxes from the era long gone when descriptive
titles were not yet digitally possible. If we ever had the army of
staff required to digitize all of UNICEF's more intriguing holdings,
we could no doubt discover some artifacts of truly historical and
worthy note.
Although we were unsuccessful, the curator kindly onforwarded this
advertisment in "The American Journal of Nursing" (November 1956)
Vol. 56, No. 11, page 1429. The drawing featured, 'Maiden on Horse'
has that unique childlike charm so characteristic of many past cards
and can understand the curator's interest in locating the original.
Who knows? One day more information on Jamini Roy may turn up in
related queries: we are currently researching copyright issues on a
Picasso Mother and Child Poster possibly produced by UNICEF some
decades ago, and hope to discover more leads on Roy in the process.
There is always hope!