Archived folders and boxes concerning Canadian UNICEF Committee (CUC), Canadian Government and UNICEF Executive Offices and Canadian Donations, 1947-1976

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Date Created Title Expanded Number
1/1/1975 Canada G.6 CF/RAF/ZW/J0014-1985-539079323
1/1/1975 Canada G.8 CF/RAF/ZW/J0016-1985-539079324
1/1/1975 CUC/Prov. Govt. of Alberta, Bangladesh No. 8 CF/RAF/ZW/J0150-1985-539079491
1/1/1975 Canada Govt: G-10: Ethiopia CF/RAF/ZW/C0164-1986-539075191
1/1/1975 Brit. Columbia (thru Canadian Cttee), the Gambia CF/RAF/ZW/C0249-1986-539075379
1/1/1975 Canada, Indochina: IPLG G-17 CF/RAF/ZW/C0197-1986-539075284
1/1/1975 Canada G.7 CF/RAF/ZW/J0015-1985-539079333
1/1/1975 CUC/USC/ GCO Meeting - New York - March 1975 Report of Meetings, Corresp. CF/RAF/ZW/S0123-1993-539064167
1/1/1975 Canada Fall Brochure, USC Spring, Fall Brochures. USC Greeting Cards Leaflet, & Fine Art Reproductions Broch. 1975 US/CAN BROCHURES CF/RAF/ZW/A0044-1996-539244603
1/1/1975 GREETING CARD OPERATION 1976 SEASON: Study of cost and income by W.W. Baumgardt and Agreement between UNICEF and the Canadian Committee CF/RAF/ZW/B048_-1987-000006718