CF-RAI-USAA-DB01-HS-2004-00308 Additional Item linking docs related to Maurice Pate, first Executive Director of UNICEF. Link to those already in elec format : Including mention of Pate in other UNICEF staff Interviews, M.Pate award etc

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External ID Title Expanded Number
CF/HST/INT/LEH-001/M-PDF Interview Dr. Otto Lehner by Ralph Eckert: Pre-UNICEF Experience; Recruitment; West Africa; Yaws; Leprosy; Relations w/ Agencies, Regional Offices CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1996-0119PDF
CF/HST/INT/LIN-001/M-PDF Interview Jack Ling by Herman Stein: Bangkok Office; Sam Keeny; Information Division; Evolution; Field Headquarters Perspectives; Career; Heyward; CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1996-0167PDF
CF/HST/INT/LIN-001/M-____ Interview Jack Ling by Herman Stein: Bangkok Office; Sam Keeny; Information Division; Evolution; Field Headquarters Perspectives; Career; Heyward; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1995-0066
CF/HST/INT/LIN-002/M-PDF Interview Jack Ling by Judith Spiegelman: Danny Kaye; Nobel Prize; George Harrison; Liv Ullmann; Marlon Brando; Maurice Pate; Rod Stewart; CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1996-0168PDF
CF/HST/INT/LIN-002/M-____ Interview Jack Ling by Judith Spiegelman: Danny Kaye; Nobel Prize; George Harrison; Liv Ullmann; Marlon Brando; Maurice Pate; Rod Stewart; CF/RAI/USAA/DB01/HS/1995-0067
CF/HST/INT/MAN-001/M-PDF Interview Dr. Raymond Mande by V. Tarzie Vittachi: Disease control; Yaws; WHO Relations; Tuberculosis; Grant Primary Health Care; Rajchman; CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-00140PDF
CF/HST/INT/PAN-001/M-PDF Interview Helenka Pantaleoni by Richard Polsky: Polish Relief Commission Hoover Poland Red Cross Women United for United Nations National Council of Women UNRRA E Roosevelt Rajchman Truman M. Pate C. Taft Methodist Church Cuba Viet Nam Aid US Committee CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1996-0131PDF
CF/HST/INT/PAN-002/M-PDF Interview Helenka Pantaleoni by Richard Polsky: Edith Sampson Social and Humanitarian Committee H Labouisse M Pate Congo Funding R Thrun H Cleveland C Anderson US Government B Morse Citizen's Committee R. Heyward USSR Powdered Milk CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-00131PDF
CF/HST/INT/PAN-003/M-PDF Interview Helenka Pantaleoni by Richard Polsky: US Comtt for UNICEF Jackie Kennedy Daughters American Revolution DAR Maurice Pate Funding M Duffy Sanford Methodist Church Citizen's Committee Halloween L Timbers K Burton Lenroot P Edwards UNESCO Canada CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-00132PDF
CF/HST/INT/PAN-004/M-PDF Interview Helenka Pantaleoni by Richard Polsky: UNDP Absorbing UNICEF WHO Labouisse Jacob Pate Alison Trick or Treat Sweden Norway Kaye US Goverenment Hammarskjold Rajan Ford Sinclair Canada Eliot Lodge Memet Matushek Carter Ottinger Board CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/2001-00133PDF

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Keefe (Proj Dev & Rec/Arch Officer), Adhiratha (Mr.)